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contoh kalimat bond albedo

"bond albedo" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Oberon has a low Bond albedo of about 14%.
    Oberon memiliki albedo Bond sekitar 14%.
  • The rings are extremely dark—the Bond albedo of the rings' particles does not exceed 2%.
    Cincin sangat gelap Albedo Obligasi partikel cincin 'tidak melebihi 2%.
  • Umbriel has a very low Bond albedo of only about 10% as compared to 23% for Ariel.
    Umbriel memiliki albedo Bond yang sangat rendah, yaitu 10% bila dibandingkan dengan Ariel yang besarnya 23%.
  • The Bond albedo, named after the American astronomer George Phillips Bond (1825–1865), who originally proposed it, is the fraction of power in the total electromagnetic radiation incident on an astronomical body that is scattered back out into space.
    Albedo Bond (dinamai dari astronom Amerika Serikat George Phillips Bond (1825–1865) yang mengusulkan konsep ini) mengukur total radiasi elektromagnetik di suatu benda langit yang disebarkan kembali ke luar angkasa.